We regret to inform you that Prof. Mirosław Bućko, Associate Dean for Education at the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics of the Stanisław Staszic Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Kraków passed away on 11 December 2020.

For many years, Professor Bućko has been involved in the activities of the scientific platform developing BNCT therapy. For more than a year, he was active on behalf of AGH in the field of new boron carriers within the "Polish Consortium for Boron-Neutron Therapy". He has always provided information on the use of the nanoparticles under development in therapy in an extremely inspiring way.  The team will be missing an extremely dedicated person!

Colleagues, friends and students at the National Centre for Nuclear Research

Link to obituary on the website of the AGH University of Science and Technology: 
