Nowy transmisyjny mikroskop elektronowy (TEM) JEM-F200 firmy JEOL uruchomiony w NOMATEN CoE (Foto: NCBJ)

NCBJ scientists study the structure of materials using a new microscope



Material Research Lab and NOMATEN Centre of Excellence study and test, among other things, structural materials and their combinations, using modern, specialised analysis equipment. The laboratories’ research infrastructure now includes a recently launched transmission electron microscope.
Zdjęcie: Artystyczna interpretacja odpływów galaktycznych. Aktywność gwiazdotwórcza może skutkować powstawaniem potężnych wiatrów (odpływów), które są w stanie przenosić gaz na bardzo duże odległości, aż do przestrzeni międzygalaktycznej. Linie emisyjne [CII] 158 μm wyraźnie wskazują na odpływ gazu atomowego. Źródło: ESA/Hubble, ESO/L. Calçada, M. Romano.

Galactic outflows drive the evolution of dwarf galaxies



Stellar feedback is expected to play a key role in regulating the evolution of low-mass galaxies by producing galactic-scale winds (also known as outflows) that push the gas away from the interstellar medium, eventually preventing from the formation of new stars. In this respect, an international team of astronomers led by NCBJ scientist, have published a work on the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal addressing the impact of galactic outflows on the baryonic cycle of nearby dwarf galaxies

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis sapien quis risus sollicitudin scelerisque. Sed id ex imperdiet, facilisis est ac, ornare ante. Cras posuere nulla sit amet luctus efficitur. Duis eu magna sit amet velit mollis condimentum. Ut elementum dolor vel est efficitur, et vestibulum justo ultrices. Cras pharetra, elit ac faucibus congue, nisl sem volutpat mauris, eu tempor dolor felis sit amet leo. Nullam quis nisi non orci blandit vestibulum. Aenean semper nulla vitae pretium commodo. Maecenas fermentum ex at enim tempus pulvinar.

Uczenie maszynowe pomaga zrozumieć zachowanie stopów magnezu

Machine learning helps understand the behavior of magnesium alloys



Machine learning was used to map the distribution of dislocations in Mg alloys and predict their mechanical properties. A group of scientists from Finland, Spain, and NCBJ trained a deep learning model on a dataset of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) images of Mg alloys with different dislocation densities. This could lead to the development of novel materials with optimized mechanical properties. Their paper appeared in the July issue of Nature Scientific Reports.