Project name:
PolFEL – Polish Free Electron Laser (phase 1.0)

Project implemented under Action 4.2 of the Intelligent Development Programme 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

Project implemented by a consortium comprising:

  1. National Centre for Nuclear Research - consortium leader
  2. Military Academy of Technology 
  3. Warsaw University of Technology 
  4. Łódź University of Technology
  5. Wrocław University of Technology 
  6. University of Zielona Góra 
  7. University of Białystok 
  8. Jagiellonian University


Project goals:

Direct project objective:The direct objective of the PolFEL project, which is included in the Polish Research Infrastructure Roadmap, is to create a modern research infrastructure - in line with the country's strategic development directions - in Area 2. Development of science through interdisciplinary research.

Interim project objectives:

Achieving the direct objective of the project will enable the achievement of the intermediate objectives:

  1. Creation of a target of 16 new scientific posts within the established PolFEL research infrastructure
  2. Use of the PolFEL infrastructure for the purposes of business activity, both by external stakeholders (entrepreneurs, research centres, etc.) - in the amount of at least 40% of the equipment working time, as well as their own (including commercialisation of the results of research and development works conducted).
  3. Carrying out research and development work in the broadly defined area of physics, chemistry, molecular biology, medicine, technology and materials research, both for own use and for commissioning by external stakeholders, including entrepreneurs, within the framework of the economic use of infrastructure (research services and contract research).

Project description:

Undertaking work on the construction of the free-electron laser makes it possible not only to provide Polish scientists with a modern device that can be used in many areas of science and technology, but also to become involved in European programmes. Thanks to this project, Poland emphasises its importance on the map of large research installations in Europe. It is worth noting that the construction of PolFEL is not in competition with the Kraków synchrotron project. These two sources emit radiation with completely different characteristics and are complementary devices.

The PolFEL Polish free-electron laser project prepared by a consortium of eight research units will receive funding from the Inteligent Development Operational Programme. The decision to allocate more than PLN 118 million for this purpose has reached NCBJ, where the new research device will be developed. The Polish project will be supported both scientifically and technically, thanks to, among others, NCBJ's cooperation with the creators of the world's most powerful device of this type, which has been operating for a year in Hamburg.

Free-electron lasers, of which there are already several dozen in the world, make it possible to study materials, chemical molecules, biological molecules and the dynamics of processes in which they participate with a precision unavailable with other methods. The results of research using these devices may have revolutionary significance for medicine, chemistry or electronics.

"We have an ambitious plan to build the PolFEL in the next four years". - explains Dr Paweł Krawczyk (NCBJ), who is leading the project. "In the design of our free-electron laser, four essential elements can be distinguished. The first is an electron source equipped with a superconducting photocathode. Next are four superconducting cryomodules that accelerate electrons to energies reaching a maximum of 180 MeV. Two undulators will be placed in the path of the accelerated electron beams, in which the electrons will move slalom in a non-uniform, specially shaped magnetic field. During the forced oscillatory motion, laser action will take place and the electrons will emit photons arranged in extremely short but intense pulses of coherent electromagnetic radiation, i.e. light. At the end of the system there will be three experimental stations to which the photon beams will be derived and one using an electron beam. " The PolFEL will be able to produce light with a wavelength of more than 100 nanometres, thus covering part of the ultraviolet range. Researchers will also have longer wavelength radiation available, including terahertz and infrared radiation. "We plan for PolFEL to operate not only in pulsed mode - like all existing free-electron lasers to date - but also in continuous-wave mode, in which pulses of radiation are generated at a constant frequency," adds Dr Krawczyk. "This will make it possible to study some rare processes that escape the methods used so far."

PolFEL will be built in the rebuilt historic hall of the first Andrzej proton accelerator built in Świerk. A new hall will be built next to it to house the research stations. Rooms for the new superconducting photocathode laboratory will be added to the Andrzej hall.

The project will be possible thanks to the extensive experience gained by Polish scientists and engineers during the construction of the XFEL laser in Hamburg. NCBJ is a co-shareholder in the international company that owns it, and in addition to NCBJ, other Polish institutions including IFJ PAN and Wrocław Technology Park also participated in the construction of the laser.

NCBJ's fruitful partnership with the laboratory in Germany continues. On 25 June, an addendum to the cooperation agreement between NCBJ and European XFEL GmbH was signed. The existing agreement provided for cooperation in the processing of data collected by experiments conducted in Hamburg. The annex expands the field of cooperation in data processing and adds joint work on free-electron laser technologies, as well as planning NCBJ's participation in the preparation of a concept for the use of two of the five tunnels that lead particle beams out of the XFEL accelerator. "The XFEL consortium is interested, among other things, in the work on lead superconducting photocathodes that we have been conducting for several years," explains NCBJ director Prof Krzysztof Kurek. "The photocathodes under development are intended to enable free-electron lasers to operate in continuous wave mode or in long pulse mode. We also want to use such cathodes in the laser to be built in Świerk. " NCBJ scientists also report a concept of using a novel method to obtain monoenergetic gamma photon beams in one of the XFEL channels. Such photons would be created by colliding electrons coming from a laser accelerator with a photon beam emitted by a conventional laser. This concept is also to be implemented in the PolFEL project.

The PolFEL laboratory, which will be established at NCBJ, will be co-created by the hosts and specialists from the Military University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Łódź University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, University of Zielona Góra, University of Białystok and Jagiellonian University. The Polish researchers will be supported by NCBJ partners - including DESY laboratories, STFC Lab Daresbury, as well as European XFEL GmbH and the companies RI Research Instruments GmbH and Kubara Lamina S A. Most of the funding will come from the Intelligent Development Operational Programme established by the European Union. The Programme's implementing body intermediating in the funding process is the Information Processing Centre (OPI) - National Research Institute.

Additional information:

More on the laser parameters:

The PolFEL laser accelerator will operate in continuous wave (cw) and long pulse (lp) modes. Electrons will be accelerated by four cryomodules, accommodating a total of eight TESLA SRF cavities. The 120 MeV and 160 MeV energy beams in cw and lp mode will be directed to the VUV undulator, while the lower energy beams will drive the THz undulator. The generated radiation in the range of 0.3 mm to 150 nm for the first harmonic (50 nm for the third harmonic) will be delivered for experiments performed in a dedicated experimental room. The expected pulse energy will be at the level of 100 μJ for VUV and tens of microjoules for THz radiation. The maximum photon flash frequency of the beam will be 100 kHz. The electron beam, after passing through the VUV undulator, will be secondarily used to generate neutrons or will be used for Compton backscattering. Part of the unit's operating time will be devoted to research into the development of FEL technology and new accelerator components in collaboration with STFC Daresbury, E-XFEL and DESY.




Planned effects:

Main components

  • UV pulsed laser (or with UV harmonic generation module) for photocathode cleaning
  • Auxiliary high repetition rate femto/picosecond pulsed laser system (to an existing laser system not manufactured as part of the project) to ensure continuous operation of the electron source
  • Harmonic generation systems (second and fourth harmonics) for high repetition rate femto/picosecond laser systems (existing and auxiliary)


Beam guiding and shaping systems
  • Optical system to guide the beam from the laser to the electron source
  • Optical system shaping the laser beam for optimum electron packet emission
  • Optical table with vibration stabilisation


Laser beam diagnostics systems

  • Beam power and pulse energy meters
  • Beam position meters
  • Beam cross section power/energy distribution meters
  • Laser pulse width over time meters
  • Spectrometers to study the spectrum of laser light
  • Optical table with vibration stabilisation
  • Optical system in the diagnostic section with optical path that the laser beam has to travel to the electron source
  • Other systems (high-speed cameras, etc.) for laser pulse diagnosis


Support systems

  • Anti-vibration system to minimise vibrations in the laser optical path
  • Covers for the beam guiding/shaping system and diagnostic system
  • Remote control systems for the laser beam and its parameters as well as optical and opto-mechanical components


Technical infrastructure components

  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors
Main components
  • A cryomodule containing:

    - the superconducting resonance cavity of the launcher,
    - lines and connections of the liquid He cooling circuit,
    - superconducting solenoid
    - Transmission window and optical path of the laser excitation photocathode
    - HF coupler


Beam collimation and diverting systems

  • Electro-optical packet profile monitor(denser)
  • Beam current transformer
  • 2 XY correctors


Vacuum equipment

  • Pump systems for high vacuum
  • Ion pumps
  • Cryogenic pump
  • Connection pieces for UHV vacuum
  • Pneumatic shut-off valves
  • Manual shut-off valves
  • BPM-type beam monitors
  • "YAG Screen Chamber" type beam monitors


Microwave equipment

  • HF amplifier 1300 MHz, power=2500W
  • Waveguides
  • Circulator + water loads
  • Directional couplers
  • Microwave detectors


Technical infrastructure components

  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Low-temperature heat-stabilisation system connections (helium)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, measuring probes
  • Class 1000 clean room for photocathode pretreatment including ancillary equipment
  • Cleanroom and/or tent of class 10/100 for fine preparation of photocathodes including ancillary equipment

Main components

  • 4 cryomodules comprising 2x9 superconducting TESLA accelerating cavities (gradient >18 MV/m, Qo > 1.2* 1010), each equipped with

    - 2 motorised TTF-III couplers
    - piezo tuner
    - HOM absorbers

  • 2 undulators with variable gap width, on permanent magnets:

    - with a magnetic structure length of 8 m and a period of 2 cm,
    - with a magnetic structure length of 4 m and a period of 5 cm,

    Each undulator consists of a steel frame, two aluminium beams supported on it and brackets attached to hold several hundred blocks of permanent magnets, a system of bolts, motors and gears that ensure the movement of the beams, an encoder system of position sensors, a control system.

  • Beam collectors


Beam collimation and diverting systems

  • Electron optics system (air-cooled electromagnets): 8 dipoles, 10 small correction dipoles, 15 quadrupoles.
  • 10 slits and 4 electron beam collimators
  • Electron beam diagnostic system: 10 beam position monitors (BPM); 2 YAG monitors, 10 beam current transformers (DCCT); 6 XY slits, 8 optical beam monitors (OTR), 4 electro-optical parcel length monitors, 4 Faraday cups
  • Diagnostic instrument controllers equipped with communication systems


Electron packet compressor

  • 4 warm dipole magnets
  • 3 beam position monitors (BPM)
  • 2 toroids
  • 1 optical beam monitor (OTR)
  • 1 packet length monitor


Vacuum equipment

  • Turbomolecular pumps
  • Ion pumps
  • Connection pieces for UHV vacuum
  • Pneumatic shut-off valves
  • Manual shut-off valves
  • Vacuum conduits between cryomodules (ion tubes)
  • Vacuum conduits suitable for installation between magnet poles
  • Vacuum conduits in undulators
  • Ceramic conduits


Microwave equipment

  • 9 HF amplifiers 1,3 GHz, 7 kW
  • Waveguides
  • Circulators + water loads
  • Directional couplers
  • Microwave detectors
  • Directional couplers


Technical infrastructure components

  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Low-temperature heat-stabilisation system connections (helium)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, measuring probes, filters
  • Actuators for changing the position and orientation of the magnets: 6 actuators per magnet
  • 4 19" hardware racks for magnet power supplies and diagnostic instrument controllers

HF frequency generation system

  • 1.3 GHz base frequency generation system
  • 1.3 GHz signal distribution system
  • Phase reference signal distribution system


LLRF control systems for individual HF amplifiers (for all accelerator structures and for the electron gun)
  • MTCA.4 cassettes
  • Industrial computers in the MTCA.4 standard
  • Microwave input circuits enabling envelope detection for 1.3 GHz signals, manufactured in MTCA.4 standard
  • MTCA.4 standard A/D converter boards
  • MTCA.4 standard FPGA boards for data processing
  • MTCA.4 standard D/A converter boards
  • Vector modulators for 1.3 GHz field control via DACs
  • System for receiving synchronisation and trigger signals


System for monitoring and stabilising the resonant frequency of acceleration structures

  • MTCA.4 cassette
  • MTCA.4 standard A/D converter boards
  • MTCA.4 standard FPGA boards for data processing
  • MTCA.4 standard D/A converter boards
  • Boards with amplification and generation of voltage waveforms with amplitudes of +/- 100 V
  • Dedicated power supply for voltage waveform generator
  • System receiving synchronisation and trigger signals


Fibre optic system for synchronisation and distribution of trigger signals

  • Trigger generation system
  • Fibre optic system for the distribution of trigger signals to selected areas of the installation
  • Receiver system for synchronisation signals for individual subsystems


Components required to operate other plant components (including cryogenic system, laser, measuring stations, etc.)
  • National Instruments PXI devices including control systems
  • LabView software
  • Control and data acquisition systems based on PLCs
  • Additional MTCA.4 systems (cassettes and selected board types)
  • A/D and D/A converters
  • DI/DO systems
  • Control and position readout systems for stepper motors
  • Communication system converters
  • PC-type computers
  • Server computers for 19" racks
  • Laptop, tablet computers
  • On-screen monitors
  • Peripherals for PCs and portable computers
  • Printers and scanners
  • Computer control system


Technical infrastructure components

  • 19" RACK cabinets
  • Fans for RACK cabinets
  • Computer network infrastructure (cables, Ethernet switches)
  • Power supply sockets for workstations
  • Power distribution system other than 230V/50Hz

Main components

  • NIR femtosecond oscillator with pulse selector system
  • NIR femtosecond pulse laser amplifier including harmonic generation system and pump lasers
  • OPA parametric amplifier for UV-VIS-NIR wavelength tuning


Laser beam diagnostics system

  • power/energy meter
  • Pulse width in time meter
  • power/energy distribution meter of the beam section
  • beam spectrometer
  • beam position meter
  • Oscilloscope


Support systems

  • Optical table system for the laser system including vibration stabilisation system
  • Optical track system to direct the beam from the optical laser system to the THz and VUV test stations


Technical infrastructure components

  • Room with temperature stabilization (max +/10C), humidity and cleanliness class 10000 (or overpressure)
  • Cooled/ventilated room for laser supply and cooling components
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors

Components and systems

  • Fume cupboard
  • Gases and chemical reagents
  • Clean table and cabinets
  • Refrigerated cabinet
  • Optical microscope
  • Laboratory equipment
  • Soldering equipment
  • Lighting
  • Laboratory balance
  • Clean keys
  • Ultrasonic cleaner

Main components

  • Beam guide system
  • Beam guide, beam shaping and polarisation control system
  • Beam path maintenance system (tube) with transmission windows
  • Insertion or semi-permeable mirror directing radiation to the beam diagnostic system


THz beam diagnostics system

  • Beam power meter
  • Pulse duration meter
  • Power/energy distribution meters for beam cross-section and beam position
  • Wavelength and spectrum meter


Support systems

  • Optical table with anti-vibration system
  • Chamber with environmental sensors to maintain very low humidity on the optical table


Technical infrastructure components
  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems (dry air/gas etc.)
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, measuring probes, filters
  • Ambient temperature stabilisation system +/-2K diagnostic station

Main components

  • Elements of the optical path between the undulator and the test station


Beam collimation and diverting systems

  • Positioning gaps
  • Mirrors (positioning)


Vacuum equipment
  • Vacuum tubes (ion tube)
  • Turbomolecular pumps
  • Ion pumps
  • Pre-vacuum pumps (Scroll or other oil-free type)
  • Connection pieces for UHV vacuum
  • Pneumatic shut-off valves
  • Vacuum diagnostics: "hot cathode" probe


Measuring equipment

  • Tracer camera
  • Pulse energy meter
  • Average power meter


Technical infrastructure components

  • Control and data acquisition system
  • Accelerator communication and synchronisation system

Main components

  • Test stands (min.3) consisting of

    - Experimental chamber with environmental sensors to maintain very low humidity
    - Optical table with vibration stabilisation

  • THz photon beam splitting system for test stands
  • Arrangement for guiding the THz beam in a very low humidity atmosphere (tubes)
  • Optics kits (lenses, mirrors, filters, beam splitters, etc.) and optomechanics (mounts, manual and motorised sliding tables, etc.) for beam experiments


Pump-probe spectroscopy system

  • Optical systems combining an optical laser beam and a THz beam
  • Electronic control system
  • Detector system
  • Optics and opto-mechanics systems
  • Delay lines
  • Laser beam diagnostic systems
  • THz beam generating/receiving antennas with all supporting systems (Lock-in amplifier, power supplies, etc.)
  • Sample holder for transmission and reflection tests with accessories (cuvettes for liquid and gas samples, magnetic stirrer, etc.) for testing various materials



  • Power and/or energy meters (min 3)
  • High-speed radiation detectors (min 3 pcs)
  • THz camera for direct beam visualisation
  • Thermal imaging camera for indirect beam visualisation
  • 2D beam scanner and angle scanner
  • Cryostat
  • Temperature module
  • FTIR spectrometer
  • ATR prism
  • Two lock-in systems including choppers
  • Sample heating system
  • Cuvettes for liquids and gases
  • Pasteuriser for solid samples
  • 4 National Instruments PXI stations including control systems
  • 4 LabView stations
  • Polarisation optical microscope with accessories (heating/cooling table, CCD camera, etc.)
  • Raman spectrometer


Technical infrastructure components

  • Low-temperature heat stabilisation system connections
  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Technical gas distribution system connections
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, filters
  • Dry air and/or nitrogen generation system
  • Ambient temperature stabilisation system +/-2K

Main components

  • Experimental chamber
  • Multi-axis manipulator
  • Positioning system components


Beam collimation and diverting systems

  • Output flanges
  • Beam diagnostic systems


Vacuum equipment

  • Turbomolecular pumps
  • Ion pumps
  • Connection pieces for UHV vacuum
  • Pneumatic shut-off valves
  • Auger bombardment cannon
  • LEED/AES spectrometer


Technical infrastructure components

  • Low-temperature heat-stabilisation system connections (helium)
  • Low-temperature heat-stabilisation system connections (nitrogen)
  • High-temperature heat-stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, filters

Main components

  • Experimental chamber
  • Loading chamber
  • Multi-axis manipulator
  • Positioning system components
  • Rack and supports for chambers


Beam collimation and diverting systems

  • Output window
  • Mirror for sweeping


Vacuum equipment

  • Above mentioned chambers
  • Turbomolecular pumps
  • Ion pumps
  • Pre-vacuum pumps (Scroll or other oil-free type)
  • UHV vacuum connection components
  • LEED/AES spectrometer


Measuring equipment

  • Mass spectrometer
  • Channel plate detector


Technical infrastructure components

  • Low-temperature heat-stabilisation system connections (helium)
  • Low-temperature heat-stabilisation system connections (nitrogen)
  • Heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, filters
Main components
  • Experimental chamber
  • Speed-controlled rotary table
  • Positioning system components
  • Multi-axis manipulator
  • Electron beam collector


Compton scattering station

According to the Design prepared by the Consortium

System for the generation and diagnostics of backscattered Compton radiation: vacuum chamber, primary and scattered electromagnetic radiation optics


Beam collimation and diverting systems
  • Focusing quadrupoles
  • Deflector dipoles (equalizers)
  • Output window
  • Beam diagnostic systems


Measuring equipment
  • Beam power meter
  • BPM-type beam monitors
  • "YAG Screen Chamber" type beam monitors


Technical infrastructure components
  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, filters
Main components
  • Oscilloscopes
  • Hand-held multimeters
  • IT infrastructure testers
  • Microwave power meters
  • Frequency meters
  • Vector analysers
  • Visible light cameras
  • Industrial laser tracker with accessories
  • Picoampere meter
  • Magnetic bench: bench, manipulator with Hall probe, position sensor system, control and data recording system
  • Wire probe stretched across the bench: switching power supply, data acquisition system


Control and measuring equipment
  • Measurement cabling for vector analysers
  • Automatic calibration system for vector analysers
  • Measuring heads for meters
  • Measuring probes for meters
  • Measuring probes for oscilloscopes

Machinery Protection System (MPS):

Main components

  • Beam loss monitors
  • High-frequency signal monitors - Leakage in the microwave power distribution system
  • Detectors of gases used in the installation, in particular He (leakage in the cryogenic system)
  • Fire protection system


Personnel Protection System (PPS):

Main components

  • Access control system to deactivate the accelerator if a person is detected in a prohibited area (accelerator tunnel during operation), e.g. by opening the door.
  • Visual and acoustic signalling system informing about the current status of the machine and the actions carried out (e.g. accelerator start-up)
  • Voice communication system (intercom, wireless communication)
  • Emergency stop system

Main components

  • Active and passive dosimetry system, including:

    - Gamma-ray detectors
    - X-ray detectors
    - Neutron radiation detectors
    - Personal dosimeters

  • Measuring stations
  • Passive detector reading system, including personal dosimeters


Control and measuring equipment
  • Measurement cabling for measuring stations and measurement chambers
  • Dose collection and verification system


Other radiological protection components
  • Radiation absorbers
  • Anti-scattering apertures
  • High-energy X-ray shielding
  • β-radiation shielding
  • Neutron radiation shielding
  • Gamma ray shielding
  • Beam collimators
  • Storage facility for activated materials and waste

System cabling:

HV power cabling
  • Cables designed for 3-phase power supply 400V/50Hz
  • Cables intended for 1-phase power supply 230V/50Hz


IT cabling
  • Category 5 or above Ethernet cable
  • Single- and multimode fibre optic cables
  • Cabling for data transmission in RS232 or RS 485 standard
  • Specialised cabling for data transmission


Coaxial cables
  • Coaxial cables for triggering systems
  • Coaxial cables for RF systems
  • Coaxial cables for high power RF systems
  • Cabling for dosimetry systems
  • Cabling for security, fire and alarm systems


Technical cabling
  • Wiring for DC 24 V supply
  • Wiring for supplying focal coils and solenoids
  • High-voltage specialist cabling above 1 kV
  • High-current specialist cabling for power supplies over 25 A


Power systems:

Main components

  • 19" RACK cabinets
  • DC power supplies for electromagnets equipped with control and communication systems.
  • DC power supplies for electromagnets
  • Power supplies for tuners and piezo actuators
  • Power supplies for dosimetry systems
  • Power supplies for ion pumps
  • Emergency power supply system (UPS, diesel generator)


Technical infrastructure components
  • RACK cabinet fans
  • Power supply sockets for power supplies
  • Power distribution system


Vacuum systems:

Main components

  • Pumping stations
  • Ion pumps
  • Cryogenic pumps
  • Automatic annealing systems


Technical infrastructure components
  • Vacuum tubes CF40-CF40, CF63-CF63, CF100-CF100 and others
  • CF-type vacuum bellows
  • Pneumatic and mechanical vacuum valves
  • Connection flanges
  • Measuring probes
  • Heating blankets, temperature gauges, power supplies
  • RGA meters (Residua Gas Analyzer)
  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors
  • Seals

Heat stabilisation system:

Main components
  • Chilled water generators
  • Chilled water storage tank
  • Temperature stabilisation system


Technical infrastructure components
  • Stabilised water distribution system
  • Flow and temperature meters
  • Valves, flow regulators, pressure regulators


Technical gas distribution system:

Main components

  • N2, Co2, H2 bottle bundles
  • Pressure reduction and control systems
  • Anti-freeze systems
  • Gas purification systems
  • Air/gas drying system


Technical infrastructure components
  • Technical gas distribution system
  • Flow meters
  • Valves, flow regulators, pressure regulators
Main components
  • Helium liquefier
  • Helium recuperation system
  • Ballast tank
  • Liquid helium tank
  • Liquid nitrogen tank


Technical infrastructure components
  • Liquid helium distribution system
  • Helium gas distribution system
  • Vacuum pump system for the condenser
  • Valves, flow regulators, pressure regulators, thermocouples
  • Building (annex to hall 5) of the electron source laboratory (photocathode research, laser and office space)
  • Hall 5, where the accelerator will be installed (own in-kind contribution to the project)


Acceleration cryomodule

  • International Test Cryomodule, 2 x 7 cavities - obtained independently from the project as part of a scientific collaboration with STFC, used for testing and development work or interchangeably with one of the 2x9 cavity cryomodules


Optical equipment
  • LOTIS nanosecond laser
  • High repetition rate femto/picosecond pulsed laser system (under selection and purchase procedure) generating an infrared beam:

    - with a second and fourth harmonic generation module
    - with other subsystems such as the Optical Parametric Amplifier, allowing wavelength tuning from ultraviolet to visible light


Support systems

  • Optical table system.
  • Laser beam diagnostic systems in the laser laboratory
  • Connection for cooling the photocathode to liquid He temperature


Vacuum equipment
  • Vacuum chamber for photocathode testing
  • Diagnostic systems in the vacuum chamber for photocathode testing (Auger spectrometer, dark current test system, photocathode emission current measurement system)
  • Vacuum diagnostic systems
  • Pump system for high vacuum (turbo pump, scroll pump)
  • Ion pump


Technical infrastructure components
  • Low-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (helium)
  • High-temperature heat stabilisation system connections (water)
  • Connections for technical gas distribution systems
  • Supports and positioning systems
  • System cabling
  • Flow sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors
  • Class 10000 clean room for laser operation and photocathode test stand with temperature stabilisation system

Project value: 203 809 174.37 PLN

Eligible amount: 151 974 305.67 PLN

including co-financing: 119 906 381,40 PLN

Implementation period: 2018-2023

Data zakończenia projektu