Sympozjum Advances in controlled disorder and defect analysis of materials

Braga, Portugalia

02 Sep, 2024 - 06 Sep, 2024

Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych badaniami właściwości ciał stałych do udziału w konferencji General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division - CMD31 organizowanej przez Europejskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne (EPS) oraz Portugalskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne. Konferencja odbędzie się w Bradze w dniach 2-6 września 2024.

Osoby zajmujące się tematyką defektów w materiałach szczególnie zapraszamy na sympozjum MC43 - "Advances in controlled disorder and defect analysis of materials", które współorganizuje dr Przemysław Jóźwik z Zakładu Technologii Plazmowych i Jonowych NCBJ.


Defect engineering and controlling disorder in materials are crucial for manipulating and optimising materials’ properties and for the emergence of fundamentally new properties. The key to this is advanced methods in defect characterisation and analysis employing experimental, computational, and theoretical approaches. The control and characterization of defects/disorder are crucial for enhancing optical, electronic, and magnetic properties as well as understanding phase stability and structural integrity of materials exposed to extreme conditions of temperature, strain, pressure, and radiation. Thus, the fundamental understanding has technological implications in optoelectronics and semiconductor technology, thermoelectricity, clean energy technologies such as renewable and nuclear, energy harvesting and storage, environmental remediation, etc. The mini-colloquium is designed to gather researchers trying to characterise defects and control intrinsic and extrinsic defects while implementing advanced experimental and computational techniques, thereby promoting the cross-fertilization of novel approaches across communities. The mini colloquium will cover a comprehensive range of topics in defect physics and disorder control in systems ranging from single atomic defects to correlated defects in complex oxides; low-dimensional materials including graphene and bi-dimensional materials; organic molecules on metallic or oxide surfaces; magnetic and spin cross-over molecules; self-assembled molecular networks; multicomponent alloys, glasses, and metamaterials. The mini-colloquium will address the controlled variation of disorder through all accessible methods, including self-irradiation in actinide oxides, implantation, milling, etching/lithography, and other forms of micro- and nano-structuring. Systems with coherent and semi-coherent interfaces are also of interest for this mini-colloquium. An important part will be devoted to theoretical and numerical developments to overcome recent challenges in materials characterisation and analysis. Those approaches range from atomic level and first principles methods to mesoscopic physics through tight-binding models as well as Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. In parallel, machine-learning algorithms for material screening would open future methodological perspectives in materials science. In addition to the oral presentations, a poster session will be organised to allow for extended discussions around the topics mentioned above.

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