TOURR Project Logo

Projekt „Towards Optimized Use of Research Reactors in Europe”, otrzymał dofinansowanie w ramach Coordination & Support Action Programu EURATOM na okres 3 lat, w ramach Grant Agreement nr 945269.

Czas trwania projektu: 1 października 2020 r. – 30 września 2023 r.

Wartość projektu: 1 095 660.00 EUR, w tym budżet NCBJ: 108 375,00 EUR.

Instytucja finansująca: Komisja Europejska

Program: Horyzont 2020 Euratom NFRP-2019-2020

Kierownik projektu w NCBJ: Dr Jacek Gajewski / Prof. Renata Mikołajczak

Konsorcjum składa się z dziewięciu podmiotów. Liderem jest EUROPEAN NUCLEAR EDUCATION NETWORK (ENEN) https: //enen. eu/ z Belgii, zaś NCBJ pełni w projekcie rolę Partnera projektu I odpowiada za koordynację WP2 „Assessment of needs and opportunities to support supply of medical radioisotopes”.


Nuclear research reactors (RR) have been constructed in countries implementing nuclear power lants and used in experiments necessary to develop commercial reactors and training programmes. Neutron irradiations have found new applications in the adaption and production of existing and new materials, including medical radioisotopes. The latter enabled development of new diagnosis and treatment techniques, for the benefit of millions of patients. Europe has a broad and very diverse landscape of RRs, many of them 30–50 years in operation, well maintained and regularly upgraded. Yet financial pressure, caused by combination of declining interest and the absence of a sound financial model, led to closure of many of them (e.g. OSIRIS in Saclay) and a few others will close soon (e. g. BER2 in Berlin). On the other hand, only one RR is now being constructed – the Jules Horowitz Reactor. Those negative trends call for a coordinated European action to assess the impact of the decreasing number of RRs, identify future needs (including new neutron sources), draw a roadmap for upgrade of the existing RR fleet, and a model for hadmonized resource management.
TOURR project is a response to this challenge. Its primary objective is to develop a strategy for RR in Europe and prepare the ground for its implementation. This strategic goal can be divided into specific objectives:

  1. Assessment of the current status of European RR fleet, including plans for upgrade;
  2. Evaluation of urgent EU needs;
  3. Developing tools for optimal use of RR fleet;
  4. Rising awareness among decision makers on the (future) role of RRs.
    The ambition of TOURR project is to secure access and availability of RRs as a vital part of the European Research Area and to support stable supply of medical radioisotopes.


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