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At the Kuź­nica Bia­ło­stocka-Grodno bor­der cros­sing, an X-ray device for scan­ning of rail­way wagons works with full func­tio­na­lity. It was built using solu­tions deve­lo­ped in the NCBJ. The core of the sys­tem is cal­led Canis and it is an elec­tron acce­le­ra­tor with swit­ched energy of 6 and 9 MeV pro­du­ced by the NCBJ Nuclear Equipment Division (HITEC).

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Akcelerator 6/9 MeV produkcji Zakładu Aparatury Jądrowej NCBJ przeznaczony do systemu Canis (foto: MultiControl)
System Canis na kolejowym przejściu granicznym w Kuźnicy Białostockiej (foto: MultiControl)