It is with great regret that we inform you that on December 27, 2022, at the age of 84, passed away the late prof. Marek Moszyński.
Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, January 18.
Holy Mass at St. Anne's Academic Church at 1:00 p.m
Burial of the urn in the family grave at 14:30, Powązki, 6th gate, quarter 257a, 1st row, 12th grave
Instead of bouquets and flowers, the family asks for a donation to
Warsaw Hospice for Children Foundation
33 1240 1082 1111 0000 0428 2080
Professor Marek Moszyński was a world authority in the field of research on the detection and spectroscopy of ionizing radiation, in particular in the field of research on scintillation materials. He was the co-inventor of the world's first PET tomograph using information on the time of flight of gamma annihilation quanta and the discoverer of the fast component of the light pulse of barium fluoride - an inorganic scintillator used for decades to detect light signals with nanosecond time resolution. In recent years, he has been actively working on the characterization of new photodetectors and on the practical use of scintillation techniques. He was a master and educator of two generations of scientists, creating a team unique on a global scale at the institute in Świerk. His contributions to the scintillation detection industry were recognized by the global organization IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society with the Glenn Knoll Radiation Instrumentation Outstanding Achievement Award.
For ten years, Professor Marek Moszyński was the Deputy Director for Research and Development of the Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ). For many years, he was also a member of subsequent Scientific Councils - first IPJ, and then NCBJ. He has been awarded and distinguished many times by the state authorities and by the scientific community and organizations. He was a corresponding member of the Warsaw Scientific Society.
However, most of all, Professor Marek Moszyński was a wonderful man, full of warmth, open to discussions, always with great respect for his adversaries, able to listen carefully and make substantive arguments, and also admit without hesitation when his arguments were not conclusive. Certainly for all those who were lucky enough to meet the Professor on their way, His passing is a sudden, great and painful loss. We send our sincerest condolences to the Professor's family.
Management and Scientific Council of the National Center for Nuclear Research,
co-workers, colleagues, friends
Memories of co-workers
Agnieszka Syntfeld-Każuch:
Two days ago, on Tuesday, December 27, 2022, Professor Marek Moszyński passed away to Eternity - an extraordinary figure - a great boss, mentor for a large group of the younger generation, researcher, experimenter, extremely perceptive, sensing the essence of research and setting measurement standards in the field of scintillation detectors , photodetectors and their applications. He felt the need to share his knowledge and experience - he considered it a kind of mission, drawing practically no material benefits. Cooperation with Professor Marek Moszyński was, for us - his mentees, almost a scientific adventure, it gave motivation, we felt like one team. He wanted to conduct research and build laboratories in Poland - to affiliate his and his groups' achievements mainly in a Polish institute, so that foreigners could learn from Poles - this was his life motto. Professor Marek Moszyński is a moral authority, faithful to his principles and views. Discussions did not lead to mutual prejudice, even when opposing views clashed. He was also a gentleman, he showed respect to everyone, regardless of their financial or professional position.
Martyna Grodzicka-Kobyłka:
Saying goodbye to Professor Marek Moszyński with great sadness, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to meet him privately and the privilege of working with him - he was one of the most outstanding world experts in the field of scintillation detectors of our time. I admire him as an outstanding scientist and teacher, open, full of warmth and kindness in everyday contacts, who inspired new thoughts and searches. I will always remember what I owe him and the incredible dose of support, warmth and trust I received from him. I will also refer to his achievements in my scientific work.
Łukasz Świderski:
Prof. Marek Moszyński was a well-known figure to the entire community working with scintillation detectors. His works were a point of reference for many researchers studying scintillators. He was a scientific educator of many of us, now working not only at NCBJ, but also in research centers around the world. He enjoyed not only authority among experimenters from different generations of physicists, but he was also greatly liked, thanks to his kind attitude towards anyone who turned to him for help in research.
Tomasz Szczęśniak:
Prof. Marek Moszyński supported me scientifically and personally from the first day of my stay in Świerk. He guided me through all these years, sharing his knowledge and experience and helping me to be a better scientist. Learning the secrets of radiation detectors would not be possible without his help, trust and patience. I will always remember all those hours spent together in the laboratory, when Marek, with a twinkle in his eyes, "turned the knobs" at the apparatus, improving the result by another picosecond. I regret that I will never hear again: "I'll be on vacation, so you can call me with confidence, because I'm correcting the publication" or "and how many photoelectrons came out?". I had the opportunity to work with one of the world's experts in the field of scintillation detectors, and I am happy to say that he was not only my mentor, but also my friend.
Transport information
For those who want to participate in the funeral ceremony, transport will be provided - NCBJ coach(es).
Collection: hours 11.45, NCBJ parking lot
After the Holy Mass - in the case of two coaches: one coach will go from the Church to the cemetery (people who decide to go to the cemetery return on their own), and the other coach will return to the NCBJ (for those who want to catch buses from NCBJ departing at 16.00)
After the holy mass - in the case of one coach: first, the coach will go to the cemetery (so that people who want to participate in placing the urn in the grave can get off and then return from the cemetery on their own), and then to NCBJ (to catch the buses leaving at 16.00)
Please declare:
– which people will be leaving the NCBJ
– which people need transport only on the church-cemetery route
please send me information by e-mail monika. kos@ncbj. gov. pl until January 16, 2023.
*depending on the number of people willing to transport from Świerk, one or two coaches will be provided.
See also:
Prof. Marek Moszyński in Wikipedia (PL)
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Klepsydra prof. Marka Moszyńskiego | 288.98 KB |
Informacje o transporcie z NCBJ | 14.67 KB |